Gingerbread Truffles

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Looking for a great homemade gift to wrap up and give to friends and family? Or do you need something fun and different to bring to your work Christmas party? These truffles are amazing and the flavor is perfect for this time of year. The inside of the truffle has chewy candied ginger in them and the cream has been steeped with ginger, allspice and fresh cloves so it has the perfect holiday spice.


Spread it out over two days so you’ll have plenty of time to let them chill. As you’re dipping them, leave the pan in the fridge so the balls stay cool, or you can do what I did and put the pan over some ice packs to help keep them from getting soft as you go. Otherwise they get too mushy and won’t stay round as you dip them in the warm chocolate. I drizzled some white chocolate over the top of some and put some of the extra candied ginger over others. Have fun with it and everyone will love them!